maandag 29 juli 2013

My holdiay! (X-tra long!!)

Hello everyone!! 
So after a very long time I'm making a new blog!! Yaayy!!

So last week I went on holiday to the Ardenne in Belgium. It was the first time I didn't go to a hotel, or a little house where the toilet is in the house xD. Yup, the only thing we had in the house was (thank God!) Water, 4 beds,(though they were quite small) A chouch (probably wrote that wrong, but I'm too lazy to check it) a little table, A bigger table with wooden couches,  (Which you couldn't move) and a case with forks, knives, spoons, glasses, etc. And a fridge (not very big fridge, but we had one..) So well.. no shower, no toilet. For that you needed to walk to the toilets and douches at the camping... and well.. I'm not very used to that, so... It was accustoming... 

Anyways, the first day we arrived we did like.. nothing, but packing things out.. And exploring the camping (though it wasn't very big, so we finished that quickly xD
The next day we went canoeing. At a lakish thing.. It was very deep.. You know that feeling that you go underwater so you can touch the ground, but you can't touch it cause it's too deep, and the you're sinking and sinking and then you panic, and swim as quick as possible to the surface of the water? Well, I had that the whole time when we swam. Back to the story.. So we were canoeing I was in a canoe with my mom and my brother, Jordy, was alone. So my mom and I canoed a litlle bit further and my brother was behind (He canoed with his feet out of the canoe. So he paddled very fast but then... He capsized xD That was very funny =D

The next day we did a day program... It included: Jungleparcour, low parcours, rope parcour and archery. 
So the jungle parcour what was that?? Well, it was a parcour where you had to do teamwork. There was a barrel that may not touch the parcour nor the ground, if it touched it (the parcour) you got 1 point if it fell it got 5 points and if you fell, you got 10 points. You had to get as lillte as possible points.

After that we did archery... and I defeated my brother (He's 5 years older  =O) with 1 point difference! I felt really pro =P

Then we did the low parcour.. It were parcour for what you really had to think about it. So we did a race boys against girls, It was a very close finish, but the boys won...
After that we did the rope parcours. It had 5 obstacles. First there was a rope where you could walk with two other ropes which you could grap so you wouldn't fall. It was btw quite high... (But we were stuck to a cord so we couln't fall.) Then there was a kind of bridge of planks but with one rope you could hold on and then there were two ropes one on the bottom and one at the top and after that the hard one came. You had two ropes, one left and one right where you had to "crawl" over. It was a little bit abrading, but how further you went, how wider the ropes became... >.<

And the last obstacle is very hard to dicribe so I will try to make a picture of it xD

|__|<- rope
Something wood like...
Something like that but then with more of those things =P

The next day, we went to la Roche. We went to a castle were a ghost was but.. The ghost didn't came on rainy days, and it was a rainy day =( too bad..

 And the day after we did a adventure thing!! (adventure time)
But apprently we had to walk a lot and I wore my vans >,< Not the best walking shoes xD
We first crossed a river and then we did a hill walk which is a walk on a hill. However, you are stuck to a rope, and the others are stuck to the same rope. It was really cool though. But someone accidentally dropped his bag... And it rolled and rolled and them splash... In the water... Luckily his phone was wet..

After the hill we did a pamper jump. You have to climb a 7 metre high pale, and you had to stand on it. Then you had to jump to a trapeze. I made it!! ^.^ 
And after that we walked back at the camping, were we had to build our own canoe... We first wanted to call it titanic (And actually we shoul have done that cause our canoe sank xD) But we called it C&P (Our camping was called somthin with a C and P =))I came wet to the opposite side..

After this adventure thing, we had a day where we went to a city.. We walked a bit and then we went to our "house" again. 
We ate fries, and the day before we ate fries too... 
So well, in the night I was a little bit nauseous.. So I couldn't sleep (and I had everytime a weird dream where I threw things to people at a mountain?? ) I drank some water and then I suddenly needed to pee. (so I had to walk to the toilet =( ) Then a few metres before the toilet I retched or kecked, don't know what it is called in English exactly. So I ran to the toilet and I puked! (unfortunatly it wasn't a rainbow =(, so I'm not a unicorn...) I was btw just in time at the toilet xD But when I was done I wasn't nauseous anymore =) But I did have a nasty taste the whole night in  my throat.

The next day we went mountainbiking.. It was really tough, cause there were a lot of hills, although I think that we went more uphill than downhill -.-" But it was fun (and hot) 

The next day we went to the city Durbuy, the littlest city in the world (?) We did there minigolf. I became 3rd... Of the 3 =P And something was bushes which have all kind of forms... Like an elephant 
And then we went home..

It was most active holiday I have ever had xD
This is it for today
Xx CubieKelly!!

zaterdag 13 juli 2013


Hi everyone!!
After a long time I've got finally a new blog!!
So what's the reason why I wasn't there for soo long?
Well, I'm drawing a lot and the weather is incredibly beautiful! And it's the start of my holiday!! And that's the reason!

Anywayys now about the subject I want to talk about namely dreams!

Sometimes I have really weird dreams... and I'm going to tell you a few of those dreams!
1. I dreamt that I was in some Islamtic city. Suddenly a many with turban and I with whitish dress (you know what they wear most of the time is those lands) came to me on a flying carpet. With that carpet I went to a friend of me. But her mother was a witch! Then her mother showed me that she had hidden a mentos fabric in the back of her fridge!! More I can't remember anymore...

2. Once I dreamt that my cousin was a farmer. She had to protect an egg (there was build a fence around it) and she asked me for help. Then suddenly a tractor came and it destroyed the egg and the fence (more I can't remember)

3. Once we (some kids I knew in my dream but not in rl and my and their parents)  were in an airplane. But the airplane crashed. Everyone survived thankfully, and we were in a desert. So we started walking. When we started with walking the parents disappeared. And later we came to an ice thing. The kids were turned into my stuffed animals!! We wandered a little bit through the ice, and more I can't remember..

4. Another dream is about a helicopter, we went helicopter jumping (It was without parachute if I remember well...) and I jumped with a friend of me. Then we landed on the ground without any injuries. The others (we did it with my class) landed well too. We went to the city. But I lost the group somehow.. I found them later and they were riding a parcour in trucks or something... And I wasn't allowed to compete, because I lost the group...

Well, these were just a few of the weirdest dreams I've ever had... If I remember my dream, it's always a weird dream... 

Lastly to finish my blog for today is this:
I added a new page called: speedpaints. There you can find  some speedpaints I made and you can find the end results at "artworks" You can also find them at my Deviantart profile =) But I have like no idea how Deviantart works, so if anyone would like to help me, please send a message! 
And don't forget to like and subscribe my Youtube channel =)
This is the link to my deviantart account (I think)

Enjoy your time after reading my blog!!

maandag 1 juli 2013


Helloo peoplezz,
Maybe you're wondering, why dogs&filmzz?? What is the conection between those two??
Well I'm going to tell you...  There isn't I just want to write something about my inner dog and about some filmzz. And btw, the dubble Z makes the word So much cooler...=)

What about my inner dog? Well, it's about eating. Sometimes, I get something to eat, while I'm not actually hungry. I just want something to chew on... Just like a dog and his bone... So whenever I want to chew something I'm going to closet with food (Yeah we've got something like that) And then I want to eat someting... But then the horrible thing.. When I look in the closet (or case, I dunno what that is called in English...) There is NO food!! So then I walk back and go further with what I was doing.. Then 5 minutes later... I walke to the closet (Or case still don't know what it's called) And then there is still no food. I walk back, and go further with what I was doing. Then again five minutes later, I repeat this all with a little change, After looking in the case (or closet) I look in the fridge. But... There isn't anything what I want to chew on.. Soo then I repeat this a few times till my mom makes dinner =P 

Now about filmzz. As you know I'm a girl (Stands in my first blog) And sometimes I watch movies (No really?*sarcastic voice*) And sometimes in those movies a boy and a girl fall in love. To name some: Pitch Perfect, The Hunger games, The Host, Twilight, etc. And then I really want a boyfriend!! (っ◕‿‿◕)っ
dMore about moviezz, I'm a really good cryer... Some examples of movies where I Cried: 
The Titanic (On the end, I was crying the most and I said:'It was such a beautiful ending)
Mister Q
Hachi (It was soo sad to see the dog coming and waiting (╥﹏╥)
Charlotte's web (It was soo sad when Charlotte died)

Anywayys, this were a few cry movies..
Another thing... humanity is sometimes sooo stupid!
Seriously. A few examples...
I asked a friend (called Christa) to send some summaries. So she wrote a very long mail with useless information where she said about 6 times bye... So after I finished reading the mail... She didn't put the summaries with it. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ [flips a table]

Another example of stupidy (dunno if I write it good like this =S) Is this:
My cousin works at a supermarket. And one of the younger girls working there (About 16 years old) came to her to and said: What is this?? Well, it was a pineapple... (.)I mean come on!! Who doesn't recognise a pineapple!! 

Anywayyss, this is the end for noww..
And don't forget to read my next blog: on =) 
