zaterdag 13 juli 2013


Hi everyone!!
After a long time I've got finally a new blog!!
So what's the reason why I wasn't there for soo long?
Well, I'm drawing a lot and the weather is incredibly beautiful! And it's the start of my holiday!! And that's the reason!

Anywayys now about the subject I want to talk about namely dreams!

Sometimes I have really weird dreams... and I'm going to tell you a few of those dreams!
1. I dreamt that I was in some Islamtic city. Suddenly a many with turban and I with whitish dress (you know what they wear most of the time is those lands) came to me on a flying carpet. With that carpet I went to a friend of me. But her mother was a witch! Then her mother showed me that she had hidden a mentos fabric in the back of her fridge!! More I can't remember anymore...

2. Once I dreamt that my cousin was a farmer. She had to protect an egg (there was build a fence around it) and she asked me for help. Then suddenly a tractor came and it destroyed the egg and the fence (more I can't remember)

3. Once we (some kids I knew in my dream but not in rl and my and their parents)  were in an airplane. But the airplane crashed. Everyone survived thankfully, and we were in a desert. So we started walking. When we started with walking the parents disappeared. And later we came to an ice thing. The kids were turned into my stuffed animals!! We wandered a little bit through the ice, and more I can't remember..

4. Another dream is about a helicopter, we went helicopter jumping (It was without parachute if I remember well...) and I jumped with a friend of me. Then we landed on the ground without any injuries. The others (we did it with my class) landed well too. We went to the city. But I lost the group somehow.. I found them later and they were riding a parcour in trucks or something... And I wasn't allowed to compete, because I lost the group...

Well, these were just a few of the weirdest dreams I've ever had... If I remember my dream, it's always a weird dream... 

Lastly to finish my blog for today is this:
I added a new page called: speedpaints. There you can find  some speedpaints I made and you can find the end results at "artworks" You can also find them at my Deviantart profile =) But I have like no idea how Deviantart works, so if anyone would like to help me, please send a message! 
And don't forget to like and subscribe my Youtube channel =)
This is the link to my deviantart account (I think)

Enjoy your time after reading my blog!!

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