woensdag 29 mei 2013

my imagination is going all weird.


Today I wanna tell you my ideas about mythical animals. But don't you worry don't you worry, child. It won't be boring!

First of all I want to tell something about dragons (<3) If you think about it. It's actually a really weird animal. It's a lizard with wings that can attack with his puke. But his puke isn't normal puke! It can be fire, water, air, iron, etc. I wonder if those dragons would have an extra organ to make their puke. Something like a "puke organ." We would call it.. hmm... let's see. The latin word for "puke" (my language kots) is evomere. So let's call it their evomeros. (the os part sound better =)) So with their evomeros they can produces their magic puke! I btw really love the English word "puke" But I'm not sure if it really means the word I want it to mean. (Kinda weird sentence, but let's get over it.)

Anywayys, I also wonder how someone would come with idea to make a dragon. This is how I imagine the invention of the dragon!
A guy was really drunk, so he got a hangover (I got a hangover ohwhooaa) Additionally, he was very very high. So he was puking in a public toilet... Then he saw a lizard and he said to himself. "What if there was an lizard with wings...." He puked again. "And he could attack with his puke..But that puke is really cool puke, like fire.. I think I would call it a d..*puke* blehha don" While the high guy was puking, another guy was in the toilet too! He heard the high guy, an thought... "maybe, it is a really good idea for a story, but how should I call it??" Then the high guy puked again (Omg, how many puke does he have?) The normal guy who was thinking listened to the puking of the high guy and then he heard it. The puking of the high guy sounded a liitle bit like Dragoooonn. Then he knew it! His lizard with wings that can attack by puking is called a dragon! Immediatly he went home and wrote down his story. Now his stories are turned in new stories and everybody knows his mythical animal while somebody else actually came up with it. THE END

Don't you think it's a nice story? I btw just found out that puke is a verb. The word I'm looking for is vomit... but I like puke more, so I give the English language a new noun! The puke. 

Now about a phoenix. Whenever I hear the word phoenix, I think about: THIS BIRD IS ON FIRE! I think that would by a big hit! Even greater than Gangnam Style. So well, that's all about the  phoenix... Kind of a pity, don't you think...

The last mythical animal today: The unicorn! Actually, unicorns without wings DO exist. They are called rhinos. The thing is, is that they aren't as pretty as unicorn. Since unicorns are horses. I know a girl who hates horses. When she sees a horse see wants to kill him.. Kinda scary.. But I wonder what she would do if she saw a unicorn... I guess we'll never know

Anywayys... This blog is getting a bit long so I guess I'll quit for now...

See ya next time! *burns* *rises as dragon* flies away*
Xx CubieKelly!

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