vrijdag 28 juni 2013

Some Random stuff

Hi guys!!
As the title says, today will be about some random stuff...
Soo, you know about me last bad luck message... Well a few days ago... My name was mentioned in the local newspaper!! They told about how I was the heroin to save the team!! However... They wrote my surname wrong =S But I was happy anywayyss =)

Another random thing... Once I was eating chocolate... After a few minutes I ate my chocolate and it was gone. But then I saw a brownish, black thingy.. Soo I thought, Yeaah, that's still a piece of chocolate!! So I put it in my mouth. But... It wasn't chocolate... I was cloth... Apperently it was I piece of my bag which was fallen off... Yup... I failed a little bit... =/

And after I finish the blog, I will upload some vidzz, which are made by moi! (that's "me" in French, just saying) and some other friends of me.. I have to say... They are uhm... quite weird... =P But that's funny =))

Owh, another random thing which happened today... I was copying some stuff with my printer. So after I finished printing my stuff, I couldn't resist to copy my hand also... So I have made a picture of it and here it is!! Heheh, Me gusta ^-^ 
I've got a pretty hand right??

I also feel an imaginary story coming... It is my imagination about fairies =)
I first wanna say that fairies aren't the same as elfs!! Fairies are much cooler =)
The reason? Because elfs are little and fairies are bigger... And I like the word fairy more =) 
The reason why I like the word fairy more?? Cause the last letter is the same as the last letter of my name: Fairy ---- Kelly 
Now a story of a fairy meeting an elf... (it might get violent)
Once upon a time, a little Fairy called Lia met an elf. The elf was very ugly (That's btw another favourite word, but I forgot to say it in my last blog) But Lia was very pretty. 'Hello,' said Lia to the ugly elf. The elf didn't respond back. Lia was very offended.. 'Didn't you hear me? I said Hello,' said Lia while she got a little bit angry... The elf sighted: 'Whutt,?' Now, Lia became furious! 'Now I'm going to kill you' And before the elf could answer, Lia used demon magic and killed the elf. And Lia lived happily ever after.

Nice story, ha? Totally made up by myself... But I'm not saying I don't like elfs... I just don't like the most of them... There are some cool elfs... I can't name one now, but I think there are. 

So that's it for today!! Laters peoples!

Ps I'm going to add, new artworks soon!!

zondag 23 juni 2013

Bad luck Brianetta

So this weekend I felt kinda like bad luck Brian, or Brianetta the female form =P
It all started yesterday...

I had a competion with my gymnastic stuff. It was a competion which you do with a group.. BUT our organistion was with two groups. Unfortunately were two humans injured.. So they needed one person, or else they'd be disqualified. So my gymnastics teacher asked if I would go out of my group to join them. I said Yes... Biggest mistake of my life... So we had that competion.. And that team I was in (I didn't train with them at all) wasn't very good... At least not as good as the team I was in... Even the greeting (which counted too) Went horribly wrong... So guess what? The team I WAS in won two times gold... And the team I was in during the competion didn't win anything... Of course I know... It isn't about winning... But it's just... those two golden medals where so close!!

So after the competion.. I regretted it.. Or how we say in my country: I regretted like a plug. So well.. Next time... I just let them be disqualified =)

And today... I don't know if it's bad luck or not... But one of my vids (videos just saying) on youtube or clips... Call them whatever you like.. Actually two of them..I got like a message about copyright... However... I did put in my description that I didn't own the music... I hope they won't get deleted... Because I'm going to put those vids on my blog!! And believe me... They ain't boring.. But they are a little bit werid...
And I wrote weird wrong. I just laughed about "wrote weird wrong"... Sounds funny...
About funny sounds... My favourite English words are:

Puke! (what a surprise)
Weird (It's such a weird word)
Peanutbutter (In my language you translate it literally to peanut cheese xD)

I just noticed that most words start with a P.... WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!!???
Anywayyss, this will be it for today...
Xx Kelly

donderdag 20 juni 2013

My awkward experiences from today =)

Hellooowhh chicos and chicas!
Today I've done some(awkard) things... 
First I start with a experience from school..

Once upon a time there was a girl named Kelly (That's me). I was in school and there was a little break. Tineke, my friend, went to the toilet some seconds ago, and I needed to go the toilet too. At the toilet I  heard Tineke going out of the toilet. Then I  heard Noa (You know, the girl who paralised my  sworserog (read blog Rainbows, Chaos and paper). She shouted Boo! Tineke was shocked. And then I heard laughing... I  knew what was going to come and went of the toilet...I went outside and Noa tried to frighten me, too. But I was perpared. I wasn't shocked at all. But now the awkward moment came. Stacey and Fay went to the toilet, too. So I thought.. I'm going to frighten them, too... And I laughed evil. (Actually I didn't...) I waited at the door of the toilet 'till it went open. Then I saw the door moving. I didn't listened to my friends, stepped forward, and said BOO! But... THAT WEREN'T STACEY AND FAY.. So I said to the person I never met, that probably thought I was crazy: "Sorry, wrong person" She WAS very shocked... So that part of the mission was succeeded.. It was only the wrong person... I was really embrassed. But now I know... I'm never going to do that again... Probably....

The other awkward thing (remember this all happend at one day) Is when I was done with gymnastics. And I cycled home. Notice that I was still wearing my leopart, what a gymnastics suit is =P (I don't trust Google translate anymore so I give a weird expalntion) and I had a veryveryvery messy ponytail and my head was as red as a tomato... So I wanted to go home very quickly.. It didn't went as expected... In front of me three boys were cycling... One of them looked everytime backwards... (I really hoped he was looking at a person behind me) That boy cycled slower and slower untill I cycled next to me. Then he said: "I don't know you." So I wanted to become polite and answered: "I don't know you, too." (What a coincidence -.-) Then  he asked: "Who are you?" And I said: "I'm Kelly, who are you?" He answered: "I'm Jelmer" Then there was an awkward silence. He suddenly said: "Bye!" Cycled really fast away from me and shouted a few times: "AAAAAHH, I'M BEING FOLLOWED BY KELLY! AAAAHH!!" I... I just didn't knew what to think, to say or to do... So well... I stopped following him... and took another way (also because I needed to go left, or else I wouldn't come home xD)

So well... I think it's pretty awkward. But opinions may differ...
But you could say I'm like a queen of awkwardness or the blunderqueen....

Anywayys another short example of some blunders:
1 year ago, I brought newspapers to peoples' houses... Once I was walking and heard some people cylcing... I looked behind to see if I knew them... (so I wasn't looking were I walked).. And well.. I walked into the bushes of someones garden... (#*_*#) (Pretty smiley, right? I made up all by myself) But well a normal person would look if he wasn't hurt and the bushes were okay... But was looking to see if someone saw me.... I do that quite a lot whenever I fall.. I first look if someone sees me... 

More blunders next time... cause I've waaaayyy moorrrrreee!!


woensdag 19 juni 2013

Google is drunk....

Yo folks!!
I really like playing games on my phone. (If I buy a real gaming thing like a Xbox, playstation or games for on the PC, I would be totally addicted to eat ... wait did I just write eat?? I meant:  it. 
My favorite games (at the moment) are Battle cats and Dragon Story. 

I'll tell you about battle cats.
It is a Japanse game so... Well it's pretty weird. So it fits perfectly at my personality =) Cause I'm pretty and weird.. (And I ain't arrogant) Anywayyss... It's kinda about cats or other animals who take over the world (Actually Japan) And you have to save them with... cats... To be precisly battle cats. And those cats are really pretty cats.. You've got for example a beautiful legs cat =) And a muscle cat and a wall cat... And don't forget God cat! Yup... That's all about battle cats... Try it yourself and after stage 7 enter the code: ir6b0 You'll get 10,000 experience!!

Enough about the games... Now something completly different!!
I'm going to teach you guys how to burp... I just looked up the word burp at google translated and as translation I got farmer *facepalm* so I wrote down (In my language) I burp. As translation I got: I farmer...
Another thing what is very weird with google translate is when. If I look up in my own language: Men are men and men belong in the kitchen, you get as translation.. Men are men and women belong in the kitchen... Seriouly google translate... Go home, you're drunk..
You get also very fun search suggetions when you type: I hate it when + random letter. If you type an a you get I hate it when a llama named carl stabs me 37 times with a knife and eats my hand.. =) I like those stuffffffff
Why did I so many f's? Because that's coollll.. *No, it isn't, but I just wanted to type a lot...

Sooo, now I'm inspirationless (is that a real word?? No I don't think so... From now it is) So, if you have any  ideas for my next blog! Give a reaction with your idea and maybe I'll write something about it (+ I'll give you some credits =))
See you later alligator!
Aju paraplu!

woensdag 12 juni 2013

Rainbows, chaos and paper...

Helloo peoples!

So today will be about three things!! Two useless things to know and a funny fact about me!

First of all!! I'm going to explain how rainbows are made!
It's a fairytale that rainbows are formed because of light that kind of splits in the raindrops en forms colours. That is only made up to keep the scientific people happy. Actually the colours of the rainbow are made by unicorns who are puking (There's the word again =O) Unicorns are very colourfull animals, so their puke is colourful too!! And the rain that falls down while the rainbow is "shining" are actuallly the tears of the unicorns, because they're sad because they are ill! At the end of the rainbow the rainbow is a dwarf who catches the puke of the unicorn and turns it into gold! But because the puke is liquid it moves the whole time. That's why you can't find the end of the rainbow (Dwarfs are really fast) 

Now a fun fact about me. I've got a really chaotic head. Chaotic head = messy room. I just can't keep my room clean.. When I'm home I just throw my books on the floor and if I need to make homework I just "fish" them out of the other stuff. Because I've got such a messy mind, I... uhm.. lose quite a lot my stuff.. Well.... I don't always really lose my stuff.. I just play hide and seek with my stuff =) And you know? They are really good at hide and seek!! But it might also be that I'm not a really good at seeking xD. For example:
I was walking at the stairs at school with a friend. Then I suddenly said: WHERE'S MY PHONE! While it was in my hand and I was looking at it.... *facepalm*
Anywayys... quite chaotic in here...

The last useless thing: I made during physics an amazing thing with my wrapping-paper!!!

It's a sworserog!! It has a head of a horse, the body of a swan and the colour of a frog! So it's half horse, half swan and half frog! Now you probably think: But 3 half makes 1 and a half, right? THAT'S RIGHT!! It's  so AMAZING that it isn't just 1 thing but ONE AND A HALF!!!!!

But when I showed it to my friends... One of them (Noa.. Grrr) crushed him  and paralised my sworserog, so I had to kill him during religion... It's a tragedy =( R.I.P. My little buddy.. You were special ='( 

This was it for today!
Read my next blog too!!

Ps Don't hesitate to tell your friends about this blog... You can  make a little girl very happy =']

zondag 9 juni 2013

Anything and Nothing!

Hi de ho! Here is mo!

Nope, actually this is Kelly, (No, this is Patrick) but that doesn't rhyme xD.
As the title says, this message will be about ANYTHING AND NOTHING! 
First of all I'm going to give you a really handy tip!!!
If this was 9gag, I would use the duck for this =)

I guess you all know the feeling when you don't know which fruit you're gonna eat first (When you have for example two apples) So if you don't know which fruit you'll have to eat first. Juggle with them! The fruit that falls down as first will be in your mouth as first!! I'm not really good at juggling so they fall well... immediatly after I throw them, even though I use this method for about a year...  So practice doesn't always make perfect =$ Or how they say in my country: (if you translate practice makes perfect literally)

Exercise gives birth to art. 

Yup, it's really normal if you say it in my language, but if you translate it literally it... it becomes quite weird...
I can never think normal about this proverb...

Now something totally different. I love ice-cream =) No, I REALLY love ice-cream. I thank the guy (or girl) who invented ice-cream. Its taste is sooooooooo yummy. To be honest... I have an extra stomach for ice-cream. When I have dinner I'm tummy is totally full, I still have some place for ice...  My favourite flavours are: Oreo! (It's soooo yummy), yoghurt, vanilla, chocolat, and caramel, strawberry and syrup waffle (I'm not sure if this is the right translation for "stroopwafel" 'cause when I typed it in google translated.. I got stroopwafel... But ... That.. isn't.... right??!) And I like other flavours as well. EXCEPT FOR ICE WITH NUTS! I really HATE ice with nuts.!!!I dested it!! I only like nuts in cookies and chocolat (I also love chocolat =)) But I HATE it in ice. That's my story about ice-cream ^_^

The last thing I wanna tell you are some of my favorite quotes. Here they come!

Some people say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday!
-Winnie the Pooh-

Sometimes me think, What is friend? Then me say friend is someone to share the last cookie with.
-Cookie monster-

Aye, Sir!
-Happy- (Fairy Tail)

To be OLD and WISE, first you must be YOUNG and STUPID
-board in my room-

If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day. So I never have to live without you
-Winnie the Pooh-

If you fall, I'll be there

That's all for today!!

(If you want to say You're really ugly in Spanish you have to say: Eres muy feo! =P)