woensdag 12 juni 2013

Rainbows, chaos and paper...

Helloo peoples!

So today will be about three things!! Two useless things to know and a funny fact about me!

First of all!! I'm going to explain how rainbows are made!
It's a fairytale that rainbows are formed because of light that kind of splits in the raindrops en forms colours. That is only made up to keep the scientific people happy. Actually the colours of the rainbow are made by unicorns who are puking (There's the word again =O) Unicorns are very colourfull animals, so their puke is colourful too!! And the rain that falls down while the rainbow is "shining" are actuallly the tears of the unicorns, because they're sad because they are ill! At the end of the rainbow the rainbow is a dwarf who catches the puke of the unicorn and turns it into gold! But because the puke is liquid it moves the whole time. That's why you can't find the end of the rainbow (Dwarfs are really fast) 

Now a fun fact about me. I've got a really chaotic head. Chaotic head = messy room. I just can't keep my room clean.. When I'm home I just throw my books on the floor and if I need to make homework I just "fish" them out of the other stuff. Because I've got such a messy mind, I... uhm.. lose quite a lot my stuff.. Well.... I don't always really lose my stuff.. I just play hide and seek with my stuff =) And you know? They are really good at hide and seek!! But it might also be that I'm not a really good at seeking xD. For example:
I was walking at the stairs at school with a friend. Then I suddenly said: WHERE'S MY PHONE! While it was in my hand and I was looking at it.... *facepalm*
Anywayys... quite chaotic in here...

The last useless thing: I made during physics an amazing thing with my wrapping-paper!!!

It's a sworserog!! It has a head of a horse, the body of a swan and the colour of a frog! So it's half horse, half swan and half frog! Now you probably think: But 3 half makes 1 and a half, right? THAT'S RIGHT!! It's  so AMAZING that it isn't just 1 thing but ONE AND A HALF!!!!!

But when I showed it to my friends... One of them (Noa.. Grrr) crushed him  and paralised my sworserog, so I had to kill him during religion... It's a tragedy =( R.I.P. My little buddy.. You were special ='( 

This was it for today!
Read my next blog too!!

Ps Don't hesitate to tell your friends about this blog... You can  make a little girl very happy =']

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