vrijdag 28 juni 2013

Some Random stuff

Hi guys!!
As the title says, today will be about some random stuff...
Soo, you know about me last bad luck message... Well a few days ago... My name was mentioned in the local newspaper!! They told about how I was the heroin to save the team!! However... They wrote my surname wrong =S But I was happy anywayyss =)

Another random thing... Once I was eating chocolate... After a few minutes I ate my chocolate and it was gone. But then I saw a brownish, black thingy.. Soo I thought, Yeaah, that's still a piece of chocolate!! So I put it in my mouth. But... It wasn't chocolate... I was cloth... Apperently it was I piece of my bag which was fallen off... Yup... I failed a little bit... =/

And after I finish the blog, I will upload some vidzz, which are made by moi! (that's "me" in French, just saying) and some other friends of me.. I have to say... They are uhm... quite weird... =P But that's funny =))

Owh, another random thing which happened today... I was copying some stuff with my printer. So after I finished printing my stuff, I couldn't resist to copy my hand also... So I have made a picture of it and here it is!! Heheh, Me gusta ^-^ 
I've got a pretty hand right??

I also feel an imaginary story coming... It is my imagination about fairies =)
I first wanna say that fairies aren't the same as elfs!! Fairies are much cooler =)
The reason? Because elfs are little and fairies are bigger... And I like the word fairy more =) 
The reason why I like the word fairy more?? Cause the last letter is the same as the last letter of my name: Fairy ---- Kelly 
Now a story of a fairy meeting an elf... (it might get violent)
Once upon a time, a little Fairy called Lia met an elf. The elf was very ugly (That's btw another favourite word, but I forgot to say it in my last blog) But Lia was very pretty. 'Hello,' said Lia to the ugly elf. The elf didn't respond back. Lia was very offended.. 'Didn't you hear me? I said Hello,' said Lia while she got a little bit angry... The elf sighted: 'Whutt,?' Now, Lia became furious! 'Now I'm going to kill you' And before the elf could answer, Lia used demon magic and killed the elf. And Lia lived happily ever after.

Nice story, ha? Totally made up by myself... But I'm not saying I don't like elfs... I just don't like the most of them... There are some cool elfs... I can't name one now, but I think there are. 

So that's it for today!! Laters peoples!

Ps I'm going to add, new artworks soon!!

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